FIN’s Green Academy is in Full Swing with the Summer Camp at Kameswaram village!πŸ˜ƒ

FIN’s Green Academy is in Full Swing with the Summer Camp at Kameswaram village!πŸ˜ƒ

FIN’s Green Academy is in Full Swing with the Summer Camp at Kameswaram village!πŸ˜ƒ

Children are the change-makers of the future and schools are mainly where their capabilities, visions, and values are built. FIN believes that by teaching children in schools about our 4Rs, i.e. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Respect, we can empower them to become environmental change agents in their community. We call this our β€˜WASH+’ mission i.e. in addition to water, sanitation, and hygiene behavior – we must teach/practice good waste management and ensure real ENGAGEMENT.
But for this, we need a new type of educationπŸ‘©β€πŸ«. Behavioral change cannot be forced. Neither will it happen if teaching is imparted in a top-down boring advisory fashion. Thus, we need to embed environmental education into teaching by developing innovative, interesting classes. For this purpose, Friend In Need India Trust, i.e. FIN, has created an educative program that imparts environmental education in a fun, and yet, educative way.
See for yourself in this video on our Summer Camp and join me in congratulating our FIN team, Ms. Naglaxmi, Ms. Ranjita, Ms. Amutha, Mr. Paranjothi, and Ms. Meena!

Watch the video of the Summer camp:-