Kameswaram Times

The initial activity of FIN started in the village called Kameswaram in the Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu in 2005. Since then this village has been the epicentre of many FIN activities and interventions. It has hosted many visitors from across the globe. The villagers have also participated and accepted FIN as a part of the village. Following are a few of the activities from the village.  

FIN principle: #MinimizePollution   The idol of Ganesh is generally made up of clay, Plaster of Paris (POP), plastic and
Activities at FIN are guided broadly by a set of principles. In this series, we introduce them to you with
The International Women’s Day debate on early marriage versus pursuing higher education was a success, as mentioned in our previous
  Eighteen children who are learning to type on the computer were invited to the World Toilet Day workshop on
In South India, millions celebrated ‘Saraswathi Puja’ or ‘Ayudha Puja’ i.e. day of prayer for the ‘instruments of livelihood’ on
On October 1, 2023, at 9 AM our team in Kameswaram was out on the beach. They had phoned all
Liam McCarton, director of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Ireland and Lecturer at the Technical University Dublin, visited us in Kameswaram
On October 2nd, Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday and the Swachh Bharat or Clean India day, we had initiated our “Bus stop
In Kameswaram village like in most villages and towns in India – you cannot walk even 5 feet without spotting
How long will we continue to pollute our lakes, rivers and oceans, and beaches to honor our beloved departed ones?